Guatemala La Morena
Flavor Notes: Dark Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Plum
Body: Heavy
Acidity: Mild
Process: Washed
About the Coffee
In Guatemala, gender equality remains a challenge, and coffee has long been a male-dominated industry. These factors have made it incredibly difficult for women to compete and thrive in the coffee world. That's why we’re thrilled to offer La Morena as a platform to showcase the work of women farmers across Guatemala.
This year's La Morena microlot was produced by twenty three female farmers from Huehuetenango listed below). The Volcafe Way program - our parent company’s farm support program - was instrumental in helping these producers deliver
this high quality coffee. Since they started working with the Volcafe Way they have increased the quality of their coffee, increased their yields, and, as a consequence, started earning more. In teaching these producers best practices, their farms are turning out excellent coffee and becoming viable businesses.
Return & Refund Policy
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Shipping Info
Please let us know if any issues present themselves during the shipping process and we will do our best to resolve the issue promptly.
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